Friday, March 16, 2012

Santa Barbara Film Festival

Well, we certainly managed to keep busy ever since we arrived here with lots of film festivals and events all lined up. It was definitely a process trying to find a place to live with no job or paystub to hand over for proof of employment...and saying "I am an actress," was definitely not helping the situation. "Hunny, everyone out here is an "Actress" or a "Producer" and currently unemployed! So if you want to rent from me, I need triple the deposit for security." Eventually, it all worked out for the best, but I learned my lesson, and never listed Actress as my occupation again! The Santa Barbara Film Festival was a lot of fun! It was my first Festival in LA and I was so excited to attend the Award Ceremony for James Franco who was being honored for his Oscar Nominated performance in 127 HOURS. Seth Rogan presented Franco with the award, and was a great host! This was the second festival that I ever conducted media interviews at, and it was a lot of fun! I was definitely still VERY new at the whole reporting thing, and cringe everytime I see one of these beginner interviews where I am over excited or holding the mic so high that it covers my face during the interview!? LOL But everything is a learning experience, and I am just trying to network and meet new Industry people here in LA.

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