Wednesday, March 14, 2012

MIchelle Romano as LETTERMAN'S new SKIT GIRL!?

Michelle Romano Cast as Letterman's New SKIT GIRL!? Well, not quite.....

Well, I debated whether or not to post this one since it's a heartbreaker for me, but, with that said, it was a learning experience, and one I won't soon forget- no matter how hard I try!!

I was still living at home in Massachusetts where the thought of moving to NY or LA to pursue my "Acting Career" was still just a Pipe Dream (as they say).
Anyway, I did my routine mass mailing of headshots to the hundreds of Agents, Managers, Casting Directors, etc that I normally did- and hoped that my big break would come!

Well, I'd like to think that it is still yet to come, however, at the time, it felt as though I blew my one opportunity for success..

I received a phone call from David Letterman's office saying," We are looking to hire a new Skit Girl for the show. We love your headshot, and would like to meet with you before we Cast you in the show."

Not realizing just how big of an opportunity this could have been for me, I went to NYC for the First time, with no idea of what to expect-

I will never forget this day. My mother and aunt came with me to NY on the China Town Bus (luckily this one didn't tip over or blow up like so many of them that I have seen on the news).

I walked into the Letterman Studio, and Amy, the Casting Director told me, "Great! You look like your photo! You are hired. How far are you from the city? Are you located in Manhattan or one of the other burrows?"

Not comprehending what was actually happening here, I answered, "I live 4 hours away by bus in Massachusetts. But I have no problem commuting."

Really?? REALLY!!!??

Of course, that just was not going to work out. I tried to redeem myself by saying that I am in the process of moving and will be living in NYC "very soon." Amy was very nice, and smiled and said, "Ok, why don't you just send me a postcard when you are living in the city, and we will go from there."

I walked over to the Starbucks that Mom and Janice were waiting at, and I told them the whole story. To my surprise and complete astonishment, my mother said, "Are you crazy!? Why didn't you tell her you live here in NY? This could be your big chance! You have to Move here NOW!"

This was the first time IN MY LIFE since I was in the 5th Grade telling my parents I wanted to move to NY or California and be a Movie Star, that my mother actually told me to Make the Move!? And it scared the hell out of me!!!

Within One Week from that day, I left my friends and family, quit my job, said goodbye to any resemblance of a "normal life" that I may have had- and I moved into an apartment in Queens with a guy roommate that I had met on Craigslist!!

I sent a postcard to Amy at the Letterman show- No Response. I walked down to the Letterman studio and asked to see her- she was surprised to see me, and shocked that I had made the move that fast! So was I to be honest! It was the biggest risk I had ever taken in my life up until that point.
But unfortunately, she didn't know when I would actually make the move to New York, and the part went to someone else before I had gotten there...

Like I said, this was a learning experience for me. But no matter what happens, from here, I will always be thankful to Amy for calling me into this office, because without this push, I may never have had the courage to make that move to New York City. It was the hardest thing I had ever done- leaving my family to pursue my dream, and if this opportunity hadn't came about, I don't know if I ever would have made that move! I will forever be grateful to the David Letterman Show for helping me get to where I needed to be!

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